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ginger reading ninja

I am Ginger Reading Ninja - I love books and will read anything & everything. I'm here to share my love, the books, authors, the book boyfriends and more.  Join me with my reads - old faithfuls and brand new releases, reviews, book nooks, conventions and more.  NOTHING makes me more happy sad and fulfilled that a book.


2020 - 113 days 100 books

Writer's picture: ginger reading ninjaginger reading ninja

So here we are, 113 days into 2020 and 100 books in. What a years it's been so far - we started with bushfires that resembled one of the inner circles of hell, then as the smoke was still struggling to clear we charged head first into Covid 19 and a toilet paper armageddon.

Now after 22 days of lockdown I've hit my first 100 books read.

I must say that 'social distancing' hasn't really made a difference in my life since I'm a massive introvert who prefers to avoid the general public at the best of times, however, the ability to not go out and about when I want, spend a day at a gallery or hiking is something I truly miss.

So like most book dorks I've been indulging in lives and worlds between the pages, lives I can live when the world is on hold. I've been using lockdown to almost exclusively work my way through my literal TBR piles... the 2 boxes on the dining room floor from SHAMELESS 2019 still waiting to be unpacked and the large towers of books on the library floor of combined BOOKMARKED 2019 (hangs head in shame) and BABE 2020 purchases... with the occasional ARC and Beta read via Kindle or computer thrown in for good measure.

So here you have it, the first 100 books of 2020! Take a look authors and see if you've been making Coronageddon a little easier for this little book ninja.

1 Comment

Apr 23, 2020

Very cool.

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