Absolutely FABBO. As always Danielle Norman gives us a kick ass woman and the man who convinces her that love is not only possible but well worth the trouble. He's a single dad with a precocious son and a psycho ex, while Kat is a motorbike cop who dislikes kids and is just after a quick one nighter... Oh and she has a big overly involved family.
I love the story and I love the newest pranks the #notagang come up with. It's always great to see what Danielle will come up with next. She never gets stale, never lacks for ideas, hot men and quirky sarcastic women.

I never believed in love at first sight...
Until the ATM ate my debit card,
And Jackson Boudreaux stepped in to save the day.
All business, in his nine to five banker suit--
I couldn’t help but wonder of what he was hiding under that perfect form.
I was leather and handcuffs.
He was ties and cuff-links,
But it didn't matter that we were from two different worlds.
Once we collided there was no going back.
Neither of us were ready for love…
He came with baggage and drama not to mention a young son.
I avoided drama like the plague and avoided little kids even more.