You may think you've read some tear jerkers in the past; trust me you haven't. This wonderful story spanning years and a lifetime of events for Marlee. The first of HJ Bellus I've read, it took me 3 days (a lifetime in Ginger Reading Ninja book time), mostly because I had to keep stopping due to uncontrolled ugly crying. An involved detailed story that has you living Marlee's life from the first moment - and therefore her loves, her triumphs, her hotties and her tragedy.
Marlee loves Bentley from the moment he took a fish hook from her hand as a child; and he loves her right back. It was always them with no one else in sight......until it wasn't.
My heart broke again and again and I loved every minute! I've already bought another from this great author; but I might have to wait a bit before reading - I have know idea if it's going to be the same but I plan to fortify myself just in case.
