Do you love having your mind scrambled? Do you question what you know over and over and still come up unsure? Do you believe one thing only to have the opposite proven true and then have your whole world flipped as the former not the latter is really real?
Sweet Like A Psycho will prompt all these reactions in you and then some. While it's not the total mind fuck that The Truth In The Lies was it will still have you question whether you really have any clue what is going on. The suburbs have never been so eventful or suspenseful, throughout you think you know the truth, and then the truth is spelled out for you in all its disgustingly disturbing warped glory. Then the moment you wrap your head around it and begin to process and deal, the truth is flipped and rearranged like the patterns in a kaleidoscope only to land on something plausible again.
You'll finish the book as you did with the last, with more questions than answers and a healthy does of suspicion and paranoia.
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To most people, suburbia is synonymous with good school districts, manicured lawns, and friendly neighbors. But you can never really tell what’s hiding behind those white picket fences and smiling faces. I mean, we all have secrets. The kid down the street steals lawn gnomes. The woman on the corner is having an affair. And me? I’m a murderer. At least…that’s what everyone thinks. Because that’s the other thing about the suburbs. Rumors spread like wildfire. Handsome detectives start poking around. Houses explode. You know…the usual. Yes, I have secrets. But so does everyone else. Welcome to suburbia. I’m one of the smiling faces waving from my front porch. Don’t you trust me?