This has to be the funniest book I've read in a long time... made all the more hilarious when read on the background of corona virus supermarket armageddon of March 2020. A midnight sprint to buy tampons leads to a night of hillarity and the kind of mayhem only those weirdos that shop in the dark hours can provide. Do yourself a favour next "beaver fever" week and see what happens if you allow your stocks to run low. If you think it's had for you to get toilet paper, try being Ava.

Ava Bennett has planned a quiet, relaxing night at home for herself and her sassy Rottweiler, Bella. Popcorn, romantic movies, and her favourite PJs were all she needed to be happy on this particular Friday night. She has no idea that the dreaded Beaver Fever is about to strike. And when it does, Ava finds herself unprepared and in desperate need of tampons…as in like right now. Of course, it’s the middle of the night. Of course, most stores are closed. Whatever. She just has to make a quick trip to the store and come right back home. Easy-peasy. False. Somewhere between parking her car and the checkout lane, things go horribly wrong. Ava finds herself in the middle of a never-ending nightmare, having one thing after another pull her further and further away from the one thing she wants most, to buy some freaking tampons and get home to crawl in bed. Join Ava on her eye-rolling, jaw-dropping, are-you-serious, no-way-in-hell-is-this-happening-right-now adventure as she wanders the aisles of the 24-hour convenience store at one o’clock in the morning. You can’t even imagine what she encounters!