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ginger reading ninja

I am Ginger Reading Ninja - I love books and will read anything & everything. I'm here to share my love, the books, authors, the book boyfriends and more.  Join me with my reads - old faithfuls and brand new releases, reviews, book nooks, conventions and more.  NOTHING makes me more happy sad and fulfilled that a book.


The love of family is everything...

Writer's picture: ginger reading ninjaginger reading ninja

Hey Ninjas,

Guess what? It's RED PHOENIX time again! Yep the great lady has presented us with a new addition to our shelves and our hearts with the latest in her Unleashed series


So I want to introduce you to Brad; he's brother we all would love to have if not for the completely inappropriate thoughts I have about him. We all know him as Master Anderson, the fun-loving cowboy dom who is such a special part of the Submissive School family and proud fur daddy. But we don't really know him - yet.

In the Cowboys Secret, Red gives us young Brad, struggling to navigate university, life, family, friends and finding his own path in the world as both a Dom and a man with a healthy appetite and a ginormous... heart.

Now I'm not going to tell you what happens within the pages Red has created for us - you'll want to experience that all for yourself without me spoiling anything. What I am going to share is how I feel about the book and in fact the series - something I did not have the words to describe until now.

This book is first and foremost, as is our young Master, about family. The family you're born to and the family who come to you as you make your way in life. We get to know the Anderson family as well as meeting new members of the Dom family that join Brad for the journey he is navigating within these pages. You will laugh - A LOT. But then this is Master Anderson at his cheekiest so of course, you will. You will cry - because Red always makes us all cry. Brad is a man who lives his life for those he loves, with his heart on his sleeve the whole time. You will smile, you will hurt, you will stand and cheer him on when he graduates college... Because this is not just a book. These are not just characters on pages. I have realised reading more and more of the Sub School stories that these people that Red has brought into my life, into all of our lives... They are my friends. My family. They are there when I need them. They make me laugh, they make me smile. They bring my comfort and they not only allow me to be me and encourage me every step of the way. Red has allowed us all to be part of the Sub School family, her family, and I'm thrilled to be part of the Anderson family as I cheer them on to rise above any challenges Brad and the gang face.

I'd say he's like the brother I always wanted... but I'm craving some of his 'Morning Wood' and maybe you'll think that's inappropriate of me. But then again, Master Anderson has always had the best 'meat' around, and who amongst us doesn't want to have his juicy meat in our mouths?

Indulge yourself in some good clean fun, and some good filthy fun with The Cowboy's Secret 28 September 2021.

Master Anderson – The cowboy with a heart of gold.

Ready to prove himself as a young man, Brad Anderson heads back to Colorado, leaving LA and his trusted friends behind.

With a good head for business and his talent with the bullwhip, Brad is determined to leave his mark in the business world—and in the bedroom.

His life will change once his secret is unleashed.


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