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ginger reading ninja

I am Ginger Reading Ninja - I love books and will read anything & everything. I'm here to share my love, the books, authors, the book boyfriends and more.  Join me with my reads - old faithfuls and brand new releases, reviews, book nooks, conventions and more.  NOTHING makes me more happy sad and fulfilled that a book.


Who was your first?

Writer's picture: ginger reading ninjaginger reading ninja

Hiya Reading Ninjas, today I want to talk about my first. Now everyone knows a woman never forgets her first. That extra-special person will forever hold a special place in your heart and it's a name you'll never forget. Though many others may come through your life and be forgotten over time, your first will always be with you. And of course, I am no different from everyone else. My first changed who I was, helped mould me into who I am and adjusted the steering wheel just a little towards the path I have followed my whole life... My first will always be unforgettable, magnificent and oh so very satisfying even to my unrefined teenage .sensibilities.. My first was -

Yes, I'm talking about my first 'naughty' author. Get your minds out of the gutter you dirty book dorks.... Or maybe don't - after all, we all love good book porn as much as the next person whether we admit it or not.

I remember my first time like it was yesterday... I was 15 and I found a paperback copy of LUCKY in the local op-shop and I just had to have it. Much like any man or woman that Jakkie Collins wrote. The object of the character's desire just had to be possessed the moment they laid eyes on it. So I hid Lucky away in my bedroom and read it over and over in bed, late at night. It was so filthy to this catholic school girl, so forbidden, soooo good. My mother never knew (as far as I know), and I was sure she wouldn't approve - after all she had a large collection of staid Readers Digest books (old people's books to my young mind).

Jackie opened up a new world to me, as she did for the entire world. Here was a world where the female was not simpering, unsure and weak, in need of rescuing by a man. She was in charge, kick-ass and generally took what she wanted including her own satisfaction from the man she desired. She was bright, smart and no wallflower... She was unlike any other woman written at the time. Of course, these kick-ass women are common these days but back then, they were like no one I'd ever read before. I grew up on a steady diet of females needing a man to rescue them, provide for them, sweep them off their feet - and I'm not saying these characters are bad, hell, I love them and still read them to this day. But Jackie's women were something new, something that got my teenage hormones pumping and my mind reeling with possibilities - WHAT IF? What if women could really be like Jackie's characters? What if I could? What would Sr Pat at school say, what would my mum say?

So tell me, who started you down the road of lady porn? Who got your young impressionable mind racing and your motor running? Share with me, whisper your guilty secret. Who did you read under the blankets where no one would know? Who placed your feet on the road that leads to the erotic romance section of the bookstore that you frequent these days?


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